ADB Reboot Command

1. Reboot your device

adb reboot command can be used to reboot the android phone. You can use this command when you have flashed the device or have injected some change to the device.

2. Reboot in Recovery Mode

A lot of functions like flashing ROMs to your phone require you to boot into recovery mode. First your device will be turned off and then when it power up, it is in recovery mode.

3. Reboot into Bootloader Mode

A bootloader is a computer program that loads an operating system (OS) or runtime environment for the computer after completion of the self-tests.Issuing the above command will reboot your device into bootloader mode. Bootloader is like BOIS to your computer. It is the first thing that runs when you boot up your Android device. It packages the instructions to boot operating system kernel. Bootloader serves as a security checkpoint that is responsible for checking and initializing the hardware and starting software.

4. Reboot into Fastboot

The fastboot mode helps you flash custom recoveries as well as custom ROMs,bootloader, and even kernels on your device.

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