ADB command for YouTube and Browsing

Let us see how we can automate the YouTube and browsing

1. Launching YouTube and play video

To do so we have to fire below adb shell command

adb shell am start
here am start will start the YouTube app and will pass the url v=6bGdIAf2J_k the video path.

2. Launching YouTube in Chrome Browser

To launch the YouTube in chrome browser you have to fire the below adb command

adb shell am start -n "

2. Launch Browser and go to your favourite websites 

To launch the browser there are two different ways
adb shell input keyevent 64
adb shell input text "" && adb shell input keyevent 66"
Here KeyEvent 64 for launching the browser
         KeyEvent 66 stands for 66 -> KEYCODE_ENTER

The other way to launch the browser is as below
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d http://
In this you can directly pass the url.

3. Launch Browser and download data

Below is the command used for launching the browser and downloading the online
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d
4. Launch Browser and play Music online 

Below is the command for launching the browser and playing the music online
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d


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